Music Workshop: ‘Play with the Master’
Participants are requested to arrange their hotel reservations on their own .
Workshop participants and their caregivers may use the boarding house ‘Medyk’: and Hotel Pietrak
online registration from March 18
Time and venue
Music Workshop: ‘Play with the Master’
Workshop dates: I round:17– 22 August 2024
II round: 23-28 August 2024
Organiser: Fundacja Europejskiego Dziedzictwa Kulturowego - Europejczyk
Organisation partner The State Music School Complex in Gniezno
Workshop Director: mgr Katarzyna Dzięcioł, (MA)
17-22.08.2024 r.
Felix Renggli - Bazylea - flet
Aldo Baerten - Antwerpia - flet
Wiesław Suruło - AM Kraków - flet
Cezary Traczewski - Wrocław - flet
Dorota Kwiecińska - AM Poznań - skrzypce
Lech Bałaban - AM Poznań - altówka
23-28.08.2024 r.
Anne-Catherine Heinzmann - Essen - flet
Eduard Belmar - Frankfurt - flet
Klaudiusz Lisoń - Opole - trąbka
Damian Kurek - Poznań - trąbka
Andrzej Tatarski - Poznań - fortepian
General information
Participation fee (includes registration fee)
prof. Felix Renggli – Euro 550
prof. Aldo Baerten, prof. Anne-Catherine Heinzmann, Eduard Belmar - Euro 450
Other instrument classes – Euro 250
Passive participant – Euro 100
Active participation fee covers the following:
Four individual 40-minute classes
Participation in concerts
Participation in the flute choir
Registration fee: by 15 June 2024
Euro 100 for active participants and masterclasses
Euro 100 - teachers and passive participants
The remaining fee should be paid in by 15 July 2024
The number of participants is limited!
In case of a bigger number of applicants, classification will be handled on the first come first served basis, with evidence that the registration fee has been paid.
Participants to prof. Felix Renggli are asked to send link a video recording of one piece of their choice.
Due to high interest and limited number of places in the class of prof.Felix Renggli, we inform you that applications to prof.Felix Renggli will be accepted only until May 15.
We will inform all interested persons about the qualification of active participants by May 20.
Those who are not accepted to prof.Renggli and are interested in active participation with another professor, in order to book a place, please send us information about who you would like to register with as an alternative.
Participation conditions
1) send in your completed “Participation card”
2) pay the registration fee of Euro 100 by 31 June 2024
3) send the declaration of intent to the Foundation’s mailing address (applies to underage participants)
4) pay the fee balance by 15 July 2024
Felix Renggli
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Aldo Baerten
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Cezary Traczewski
Absolwent Akademii Muzycznej we Wrocławiu. Swą sztukę doskonalił w klasie fletu prof. Petera-Lukasa Grafa w Szwajcarii o...
Eduard Belmar
Naukę gry na flecie rozpoczął w wieku 8 lat. Absolwent Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya w Barcelonie u Vicens Prat...
Wiesław Suruło
W roku 1995 ukończył studia w Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie w klasie fletu Prof. Kazimierza Mos...
Anne-Catherine Heinzmann
Wszechstronna solistka, kameralistka i nauczycielka gry na flecie. W ostatnich latach była gościem różnych koncertów i ...
Andrzej Tatarski
Ukończył z wyróżnieniem studia pianistyczne w klasie prof. Olgi Iliwickiej-Dąbrowskiej w Akademii Muzycznej w Poznaniu. ...
Dorota Kwiecińska
Studia na Akademii Muzycznej im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu ukończyła z wyróżnieniem w 1989 roku i została zaangażow...
Lech Bałaban
Ukończył klasę skrzypiec i altówki w Akademii Muzycznej w Poznaniu. Jest laureatem nagrody specjalnej IV Ogólnopolskiego...
Klaudiusz Lisoń
Muzyk, dziennikarz, nauczyciel klasy trąbki w Państwowej Szkole Muzycznej I i II st. im. Fryderyka Chopina w Opolu oraz ...
Damian Kurek
Trębacz, doktor sztuki. Naukę gry na trąbce rozpoczął w wieku ośmiu lat w Państwowej Szkole Muzycznej I stopnia im...
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dr hab. Andrzej Jungiewicz, prof. AM
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dr hab. Monika Gardoń-Preinl, prof. AMKP
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Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 1st round
08:30-12:00 registration of participants
09:00 -13:00 masterclasses
13:00 -15:00 lunch break
15:00-18:00 masterclasses
Sunday, August 18, 2024
09:00-11:00 registration of participants
09:00 -13:00 masterclasses
13:00 -15:00 lunch break
15:00-19:00 Flute exhibition Buffet Crampon and Śmietana Service
15:00-18:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
19:00 Inaugural concert of teachers (Felix Renggli, Aldo Baerten)
Monday, August 19, 2024
09:00 – 13:00 masterclasses
13:00-15:00 lunch break
15:00-18:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
17:00-18:00 flute choir
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
09:00 – 13:00 masterclasses
13:00-15:00 lunch break
16:00-17:00 acoustic rehearsal
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
17:00-18:00 flute choir
19:00 Recital concert
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
09:00 – 13:00 masterclasses
13:00-15:00 lunch break
15:00-16:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
17:00-18:00 flute choir
Thursday, August 22, 2024
09:00 – 13:00 masterclasses
13:00-15:00 lunch break
15:00-17:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 rehearsal before the concert
18:00 Final concert of the participants of the 1st round and awarding of diplomas
Friday, August 23, 2024 - 2nd round
09:00-12:00 registration of participants
09:30 -13:00 masterclasses
13:00 -15:00 lunch break
15:00-18:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
Saturday, August 24, 2024
09:00 -13:00 masterclasses
10:25 happening on the Cathedral tower - trumpets and flutes
13:00 -15:00 lunch break
15:00-18:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
19:00 Teachers' concert (Anne-Catherine Heinzmann, Eduard Belmar)
Sunday, August 25, 2024
09:00 – 13:00 masterclasses
13:00-15:00 lunch break
15:00-18:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
19:00 Teachers' concert (Damian Kurek -trumpet)
Monday, August 26, 2024
09:00 – 13:00 masterclasses
13:00-15:00 lunch break
15:00-18:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
09:00 – 13:00 masterclasses
13:00-15:00 lunch break
15:00-19:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 English for those interested
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
09:00 – 13:00 masterclasses
13:00-15:00 lunch break
15:00-16:00 masterclasses
16:00-17:00 rehearsals before the final concert
18:00 Final concert of the participants of the 2nd round and awarding of diplomas
End of the workshop
Music Workshops "Play with the Master" Gniezno 2024.
I General provisions
1. Music Workshops "Play with the Master" are organized as part of the Music Festival "IVENTI" Gniezno 2024. The organizer of the Music Workshops "Play with the Master", hereinafter referred to as "Workshops" is the European Cultural Heritage Foundation -European (KRS0000500117 ) with headquarters in Poznań, ul. Zlota 14 a.
2. The Organizational Partner of the Workshops is the Municipal Cultural Center in Gniezno and the Complex of State Music Schools in Gniezno.
3. The aim of the Workshop is to promote classical music among the inhabitants of Gniezno and the Greater Poland Voivodeship, while at the same time giving musically talented children, youth, students and adult musicians the opportunity to achieve a high artistic level and enable young musicians to perform together with the Master.
4. The Workshops will include: a concert of teachers, concerts of active participants, a concert of Masters with selected active participants and individual lessons of active participants closed to the public with the Master.
5. Lessons of active participants with the Master - closed to the public - will be held on July 08-15, 2023 at the MOK headquarters in Gniezno, Łubieński street 11 and at the ZPSM in Gniezno, Mieszko street I 20
6. Concerts open to the public will be held in selected venues in the city of Gniezno.
7. The detailed schedule of the Workshops will be available on the website
9. The Workshop Organizer reserves the right to change the schedule of the workshops and to change the composition of the Master's staff.
II. Participation, qualifications and organization of classes
1. Children over 7 years of age, youth and adult music artists who are under 30 and have been selected by the Organizer may participate in the workshops as "active participants".
2. Course participants who are under 16 years of age may take part as a workshop participant only if they are under the care of their legal guardians throughout the duration of the Workshop.
3. Persons who on the day of the workshop commencement are 16 years of age and under 18 years of age may become a workshop participant on their own provided that their legal guardian fills in the "Statement of will" attached as Annex 2 to these Regulations.
4. The condition for active participation in the workshops is meeting the following conditions;
a) acceptance of these Regulations;
b) submitting an application for the workshop via the website:
c) obtaining confirmation of acceptance sent by the Organizer;
d) payment of the registration fee within 7 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation of admission to the workshop from the Organizer;
e) full payment of fees by June 30, 2024 at the latest.
f) delivering to the Organizer - on the first day of the workshops at the latest - the original, completed and signed "Application Form" in accordance with Appendix 1. Minor participants are additionally required to provide the signed "Statement of the Guardian" in accordance with Appendix No. 2.
5. As soon as the limit of confirmed active participants is reached, the recruitment for active participants is closed.
6. The application for participation, the Guardian's Declaration and Regulations will be published on the website
III. The scope of the Master's duties
The master is obliged to conduct 4 individual 40-minute lessons in the masterclass, 5 lessons of 45 minutes in the other classes or 5 lessons of 30 minutes with a selected active participant.
The master has the right to conduct the lesson in accordance with the teaching methods of his choice, observing the principles of professional ethics.
The master is obliged to inform the participant about his justified absence from the lesson in good time.
The master is obliged to make up for the classes that were not held due to his fault, within the time limit agreed with the active participant.
The master is not obliged to work off the lessons in the absence of an active participant of the workshop.
Each of the Masters has the right to choose a participant with whom he will perform together during the public final concert. The selection of the Master is final and not subject to challenge.
IV. Rights and obligations of participants / parents / legal guardians
All registered active participants, as well as their registered legal guardians, in addition to the right to participate in individual lessons with a selected, one Master, additionally have the right to attend all lectures, additional classes and concerts organized as part of the workshops,
The Organizational Partner provides workshop participants with exercise rooms in the ZPSM building in Gniezno, ul. Mieszko I 20 and MOK in Gniezno at ul. Łubieńskiego 11.
Participants cover the cost of participation in the workshops in accordance with the selected package.
Participants / parents / legal guardians are required to pay the registration fee within 7 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation of acceptance sent by e-mail by the Organizer to the participant's address provided during the application.
Participants / parents / legal guardians are required to pay the remaining participation fees by July 15, 2024
Payments should be made only to the Organizer's bank account dedicated to servicing the workshops
IBAN: PL 27 2130 0004 2001 0658 2902 0002
Fundacja Europejskiego Dziedzictwa Kulturowego – Europejczyk
ul. Złota 14 a, 60-592 Poznań POLAND
title: "name and surname / active or passive participiant"
If the participant is absent from the classes during the workshops, the organizer does not return the payments made.
An active or passive participant has the right to withdraw (without incurring costs) from participation in the workshops within 7 days from the date of sending the confirmation of admission to the workshop by the Organizer.
The participant also has the right to submit a written declaration of resignation from participation in the workshop after the deadline specified in point. 8, but not later than June 30, 2024. The registration fee amount of EURO 100 is non-returnable.
In the event of a participant's withdrawal or resignation from the Workshops under the conditions specified in point 8 or point 9, the Organizer will refund the amount paid by the participant by August 31, 2024, subject to the provisions of point 9.
If it is necessary to cancel the Workshops for reasons attributable to the Organizer, the registered participants who made the payment will receive a full refund, including a refund of the registration fee.
During the Workshop, all workshop participants are strictly forbidden to possess or use drugs or other intoxicants.
Minors are strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages during the workshops
Participants who grossly violate the provisions of these Regulations or abuse alcohol or grossly disrupt the classes during the workshop or whose behavior would be offensive, may be removed from the Workshop at any stage of its duration, without the possibility of claiming a refund.
Workshop participants and their legal guardians bear material responsibility for any damage caused, in particular for damage to property of MOK and ZPSM.
Participants, parents and legal guardians may submit any comments to the Organizer's representative.
Participants who are active on their own organize: accompaniment notes, concert costumes and a music stand.
V. Final Provisions
The organizer has the full right to record and photograph concerts, classes and workshop shows, and to use them freely for promotional and archival purposes of the Workshops.
Any form of recording the Workshops without the Organiser's consent, in particular: filming, recording or photographing is prohibited. Recording of an Active Participant's performance by their Supervisor does not require a separate consent of the Organizer.
The organizer and organizational partners are not responsible for valuables that may be lost, damaged or stolen.
The provisions of the Regulations enter into force on March 12, 2024.